Friday, March 16, 2018

FREE short story collection on Kindle!

My short story collection Alabama Red Clay is free on Kindle today and tomorrow, March 16 and 17th!

Four stories featuring Roger Devereux, including:

"Bad Day": Prior to the events of Tragic City, Roger is working as a executive protection contractor in Mexico, a nation with one of the highest kidnapping rates in the world. 

"Barroom Blitz": After the events of Tragic City, Roger is bumming around Mexico slowly drinking himself to death. A chance encounter with a young prostitute in a Mexican bar proves to Roger that old habits die hard.

"Kiddie Pool": Roger is hired by a prominent Birmingham, Alabama attorney to protect his newest client, a young woman accused of murdering her baby daughter.

"The First Time": Well before the events of Tragic City and Red Light Run, Roger Devereux is fifteen years old and living in a public housing project with his mother. When he meets his newest neighbor, a beautiful twenty year old redhead, he is in for a lot of "first times," both tragic and wonderful.